Ashley serves as the Associate Minister at Old South. Ashley has a deep love for the city of Boston, a heart for pastoral care, and a passion for liturgy. She believes that worship can tune our hearts to God’s song of justice, so that we might continue our praise through acts of service and working for a just peace.
Ashley is from Evergreen, Colorado. She holds a BA in Theology and Religious Studies from Seattle University (2008) and Master's Degrees in both Divinity and Social Work from Boston University (2014). Prior to ministering at Old South, Ashley served as Associate Pastor at United Church of Christ, Norwell for four years. She has also served as a program manager at Episcopal Divinity School, as Lead Pastor and Minister of Liturgical Arts at The Crossing (at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Paul), and as sabbatical supply pastor for four months with our Back Bay neighbors at Church of the Covenant.
She and her wife, the Rev. Lindsay Popperson, live in Jamaica Plain. They are foster parents for young children and have a beloved dog, Pope Joan. Ashley is an aspiring distance runner and a lover of growing, cooking, and sharing good food.