Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1 John 4
What's at Stake

We celebrate major advances in LGBTQ+ rights at both the local and national level. However, members of this community still encounter discrimination that violates personhood and challenges rights. Some religious communities have been among the worst offenders, with claims of tolerance masking a mission to “correct” behavior regarded as incompatible with their interpretation of scripture. Standing in defense of the marginalized and oppressed, Old South has been a committed advocate for LGBTQ+ individuals for decades — even before we rushed to embrace the community in the midst of the devastating AIDS crisis. We are proudly open and unabashedly affirming of LGBTQ+ individuals and their families, and work toward breaking down the barriers that prevent their full inclusion in society.

What We're Doing

You’ll find no greater evidence of Old South’s support of the LGBTQ+ community than in the beautiful tapestry of our congregation, where LGBTQ+ individuals are fully integrated into the life and fabric of the church. We celebrate love and family in all its many varieties, and are committed to putting our faith into practice by supporting initiatives and legislation that undergird LGBTQ+ people by defending their rights and inherent worth. We invite you into this vibrant community of faith — one that claims diversity as a strength and sets before all an open door. Join us for our annual Pride Morning Worship in June and march with us in the oldest Pride parade in the country. Most of all, feel welcome here — free to be your true self without fear of reprisal.

What You Can Do
Come to Church
Explore an inclusive theology, be affirmed by a community that shares your values, find welcome for you and your family — no matter what configuration
March with us in the Pride Parade
Show your support for the LGBTQ+ community, proclaim Old South’s message of inclusion. Celebrate the gift of diversity.
Attend Pride Morning Worship
Get fed, be blessed, and gear up for the parade!
Read these Resources
Education is the first step towards making a difference. Check out these articles to learn more about LGBTQ+ issues
Give to the Church
Your contribution to Old South makes possible ministries of mercy, justice, and beauty for all.


Richard Spada & Bob Childers Tell Their Story of How they Found Old South

South End residents Richard Spada and Bob Childers became members of Old South Church nearly 9 years ago when they moved to Boston from the San...

Latest News

Bishop Yvette Flunder to Receive Open Door Award on Pride Sunday

Boston, Massachusetts – On Sunday, June 13th, the historic Old South Church in Boston will present their Open Door Award to Bishop Yvette A. Flunder

The Power of Otherness

Further Reading

Human Rights Campaign

Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ Issues: United Church of Christ


Carol & Amy share why they support Old South Church

Old South members Carol and Amy shared their story of how they first came to Old South Church and why they support us. Read their story below.



LGBTQ+ Happenings