
Christian faith is shaped and matures, in part, through sustained reflection on matters of spiritual, theological, and biblical concern. Drawing upon the best of Christian tradition, ancient and modern, we pursue God’s call to justice and mercy. At Old South Church, we are formed by God to transform the world.

Join us on the journey of discipleship. Share with us in sacred reading, gentle listening, and holy conversation.


Sunday Bible Study, 10 a.m., in person & online

  • Delve into the day’s scripture passage heard in worship. Led by our ministerial staff, this no-homework Bible study delights in taking a scholarly look at ancient texts. Don’t leave your questions at the door; we need them. For more information contact  

Community Hour: The Forum,10 a.m., in person & online

  • This casual, no-commitment, come-when-you-can forum hosts monthly series on a variety of topics. Clergy, church members, and special guests share in leading sessions, some of which have included: Judaism and Christianity in Conversation, Islam 101, Exploring White Privilege, Meeting John Calvin Again for the First Time, Christian Reflection on Life and Death, and Old South at the Oscars. For more information contact

Sunday Morning Yoga, every Sunday at 10am in the Club Room at Old South

  • Old South is a gentle space to nourish our spiritual body, but sometimes it's the physical body crying out or subtly seeking our attention. You are invited to join a weekly yoga and meditation small group. Please bring a journal and a mat (or just let us know if you one) to this time for breath, movement, and fellowship. We look forward to welcoming you. Questions? Email

Coffee with Queers, every last Sunday of the month at Old South at 10:15am at Tatte (200 Clarendon St). Begins in October. 

  • Join Old South’s most fabulous for a cup of coffee and community. Bring a friend! 


Looking to meet new people? Learn new things? Deepen your faith? Just have fun? Join a small group! Small groups are the heart of the church. You can find a list of our current small groups below, and learn more/ sign up by emailing

Theological Book Group, Mondays at 6pm, online

  • This intrepid band of brainy, curious readers does not shy away from big ideas or provocative issues. If you ever felt like church was a place you had to “check your brain” at the door, then this group of daring thinkers is for you.

Monday Night Book Group, Mondays at 7pm, at Old South

  • This small group reads through books and enjoys lively discussions. 

God’s Big Book of Faith, Wednesdays at 7pm, online

  • Ever wonder about Leviticus, or Habakkuk, or Philemon, or Micah? God’s Big Book of Faith will take a look at every book in the Bible over the next couple of years. We will look at the author and purpose of each book and study a major passage, marking the source of the major doctrines of our faith as we go.

Men’s Lunch Group, Wednesdays at 1pm, online.

  • If you’re interested in discussing the news of the day, theology, faith, or other big ideas and issues with men from Old South. 

Women’s Lunch Group, Thursdays at 12pm, online

  • An intergenerational group of women who meet each week for reading and reflecting together on faith and life, and enjoying spiritual friendships.

Thursday Night Supper Club, following Thursday Night Church, at Old South Church

  • Join us for dinner! Every Thursday night after worship, we gather to share food, build community, and pray together. 
Through the Bible: A Fun-and-Not-Scary, At-A-Snail’s-Pace Study, Thursdays at 7pm, online
  • This group gathers weekly to study and savor the scriptures: to take them chapter by chapter, skipping nothing ... not even the genealogies! Reading the Bible in this way opens up a new world of allusions, parallels, and rich insights. 

Raising Faith: Parents at Old South, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:15am in person at Old South Church. October-December. 

  • Parenting is hard! But, we’re not in this alone. Join other parents who are raising kids from newborns to high schoolers for coffee, conversation, and mutual support. Childcare provided.



Latest News

By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | March 2025 Council Meeting Report The Reverend Rachel Barton opened our busy March meeting with a reading from…
By Rev. Donald A. Wells, Theologian in Residence This journey of ours often takes us in new and challenging directions: a different slant on a text,…

Upcoming Events

March 29, 2025 at 5:30 PM
March 29, 2025 at 7:30 PM