Children, Youth & Families

Whether your child is shy or squirmy, teddy-bear-clutching or bold, a boy in a tutu or a girl who slays dragons, your child will fit in fine! It is our joy to enfold all children – the outspoken, the diagnosed, the boisterous and the sweet, cuddly ones, too! – within the circle of community at Old South church.

We strive to honor the intelligence and imagination of children in our care through biblical storytelling and open-ended questioning which invites children to wonder and make meaning for themselves. We seek to nurture a faith in children that can stretch and grow with them as they mature. In providing age-appropriate outreach and service learning opportunities, we endeavor to instill values of kindness and compassion that will serve them for life.

No registration is required to participate in care or church school, but every child must have a current Child Info Form on file. 

Sunday Schedule 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor
8:40 a.m.    

Childcare available on 3rd floor

9:00 a.m. First Worship in Gordon Chapel Children's Choir on 2nd floor  
9:30 a.m. (children join worship)  
10:00 a.m. 1st Floor: Meet the Ancestors (6th-7th) 2nd Floor: The Forum (adults) 4th Floor: Godly Play for K-3rd, Godly Play for 4rd-5th, Youth Group (8th-12th)
11:00 a.m. Festival Worship in Sanctuary    
12:00 p.m. Coffee Hour in Gordon Chapel    

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Dad feeding his baby
(Green Room, 3rd floor)
Our loving and skilled childcare professionals are ready to provide safe and reliable childcare, treating children to love, warm hugs, books, toys, and coloring projects in one of our fully stocked preschool rooms. Childcare is available uninterrupted from 8:40am - 12:30pm. We also offer part-worship/part-care at each service. For 9am First Worship, parents can choose to have children brought down to join them at 9:30 in worship, enabling families to have communion together and children to experience a portion of the worship service. For 11am Festival Worship, parents can begin with their children in the Sanctuary, and then meet childcare staff following the Scripture reading in the back of the room, where we will proceed up to the 3rd floor. Parents are also welcome to play with us in the Green Room, or to keep your child with you in worship. We trust parents to know what is best, and are here to support you.

We offer "Godly Play for Families" once a month in the Green Room, from 10:15 - 10:40 for families with children who are in Preschool or younger. Godly Play is a Montessori-based Christian education curriculum where children explore the stories of the Bible and practices of the church through hands-on learning and play. Stories are told with hand-crafted materials, then children are led through a series of wondering questions followed by a period of self-directed work. This is a great intro-to-church-school gathering for both children and their adults.
Children's Choir
(Kindergarten & up)
Students in elementary and middle schools are invited to join the children's choir, which practices on Sundays from 9am - 9:30 on the 2nd floor during the school year. Director Aislin Kate Anderson leads students through learning new songs that they share in worship every 4-6 weeks in both First Worship and Festival Worship, with help from accompanist Jun Mai. Students are welcome to join throughout the year.

The choir forms the core of our annual Children's Christmas Pageant as well. Old South's students and children have presented a Christmas Pageant annually for decades, and all are invited to team up for this important event. Rehearsals begin in late October and are held primarily during First Worship, from 9am to 10am. The Pageant is held within the First Worship service during Advent (this year on Sunday December 15th), and students both act and sing to help tell the story of Jesus' birth. We use different scripts every year, but each is full of laughter, love and meaning. You do not need to be in Children's Choir to participate in the pageant - students only need to commit to rehearsals for the pageant.

Contact Aislin Anderson ( for more information on both Children's Choir and our Christmas Pageant.
Elementary schoolers at an All-Church potluck
(Kindergarten-5th grade)
We practice Godly Play in Church School with our elementary aged students. Godly Play is a Montessori-based Christian education curriculum where children explore the stories of the Bible and practices of the church through hands-on learning and play. Stories are told with hand-crafted materials, then children are led through a series of wondering questions followed by a period of self-directed work.

The Early Elementary Godly Play class, for students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, meets from 10am- 10:50 on the 4th floor in the Guild Room. This class hears the stories that make up the backbone of our faith. They dive into sacred stories, parables, and liturgical lessons, making meaning and connections at their own level.

Our Older Elementary Godly Play class, for students in 4th and 5th grades, hears stories that extend beyond the regular ones they heard in the younger classroom. Stories of individuals, like Moses and Jonah, along with some of the harder truths about the Biblical narrative that they haven't explored before. Students are also introduced to beginning Bible study each week. This class meets from 10-10:50am each week in the Tower Room (4th floor)

We encourage students in this age range to worship with their parents or to participate in the seasonal children's choir and drama offerings, often meeting from 9-9:30am.
Middle schoolers at the all-church retreat
(6th-7th grades)
Our middle school students are in that “in-between” space. They aren’t children or teenagers. They don’t go to childcare but haven’t been confirmed yet.

These students have a special Bible-intensive church school, may choose to attend worship or participate in seasonal musical or drama offerings like our annual Christmas Pageant.

For church school, students in 5th - 6th grades dive into Bible study as we Meet The Ancestors of the Old Testament & New Testament.

Through video, discussion, and Bible study we get to know the stories of God’s leaders, and get a small taste of most books of the Bible.

This class will meet together for two school years, completing most of the Old Testament in 2023-2024 and will move forward into the New Testament in 2024-2025.

New students are welcome - each class is a new adventure. Meet the Ancestors class gathers from 10am - 10:50 in the Crawford Library (1st floor) and is conducted in a hybrid format allowing students to zoom in from home.
(7th-8th grades)
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive human sexuality curriculum that we believe is important to offer within a faith context. The program helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, health and behavior in the context of their faith. It equips participants with accurate, age appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. It provides not only facts about anatomy and human development, but helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills and understand the social, emotional and spiritual aspects of sexuality.

Classes will meet from 12:30 - 2pm on Sunday afternoons at First Church Cambridge. Let Kate know if you know a student in 7th or 8th grade who is interested - anyone is welcome!

Youth Group members
(8th - 12th grades)
Students in grades 9 - 12 are invited to join our Youth Group, which meets during church school from 10am - 10:50 in the Guild Room Kitchen (4th floor) - and is conducted in a hybrid format most weeks.

Youth Group students help to design the group's activities and plans for the year, and so while most weeks we will gather at 10am, there may be weeks where we take field trips, have weekend events, or meet up for meals.

Unlike church school for younger students, Youth Group lessons are chosen through student-interest and engaging in lived-faith opportunities. Youth Group is led by Youth & Young Adult leader Rachel Barton and Youth Assistant Rory Razon.