Justice & Action



Seek the welfare of the city and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jeremiah 29

We take these words of the prophet Jeremiah seriously. We pray for the good of the city we call home. We also work strategically to achieve concrete progress on these pressing issues: racial justice, immigration, housing, climate change, and LGBTQ+ rights. Through advocacy, generosity, education, and volunteering, we seek to do the most good we can.

Climate Crisis
Racial Justice
God has special care for those living in countries far from home. Throughout scripture, believers are taught that we must protect “aliens” living in our midst. By contrast, national anti-immigrant policies are increasingly cruel and oppressive. All people are equally beloved by God, no matter where they were born, what language they speak, or the color of their skin. Because of our Christian faith we are taking sustained, strategic action to change immigration policy.
Climate Crisis
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. As Christians, we have a duty to care for God’s creation and take immediate and meaningful action, which is why we formed our Climate Change Task Force. Disasters like wildfires, superstorms and rising seas quickly translate into humanitarian crises as homes are destroyed, refugees seek shelter, and people across the world can no longer meet their basic needs. While this is an issue that touches everyone, the world’s poorest, who have contributed the least to the problem, are being impacted first and worst.
Racial Justice
Because we believe racism is anathema to God, Old South’s (G)RACE Speaks is an evolving conversation, examination, and education on matters of race within the life and community of this church. In addition, with partner churches and organizations we are committed to exposing and overcoming racism and prejudice in all its forms – personal, relational, institutional, systemic.
In Boston, there is great prosperity and greater need. Shining skyscrapers tower over those sleeping on the streets. People have to work long hours or multiple jobs just to afford an apartment. Home ownership is a primary way of gaining financial security. For many, owning a home is completely out of reach. Racist discrimination in lending and housing have locked out people of color from home ownership for decades. Together with partner organizations, we are working to provide for those without a home, and make housing more affordable.
We celebrate major advances in LGBTQ+ rights at both the local and national level. However, members of this community still encounter discrimination that violates personhood and challenges rights. Standing in defense of the marginalized and oppressed, Old South has been a committed advocate for LGBTQ+ individuals for decades — even before we rushed to embrace the community in the midst of the devastating AIDS crisis. We are proudly open and unabashedly affirming of LGBTQ+ individuals and their families, and work toward breaking down the barriers that prevent their full inclusion in society.

Justice & Action Happenings


Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne. So penned James Russell Lowell, Cantabrigian, abolitionist, and poet in his poem The

Latest News

OSC Presents Documentary Film Series: Holding Up the Sky

Old South Church in Boston Presents Documentary Film Series: Holding Up the Sky

BOSTON, MA — Beginning Sunday, January 12, Old South Church in

Caring for Creation

Further Reading

NBC Boston

Boston Reverend Visits Facility in Texas to Pray for Children Separated From Parents


In an effort to re-frame our work the Climate