God has special care for those living in countries far from home. Throughout scripture, believers are taught that we must protect “aliens” living in our midst. By contrast, national anti-immigrant policies are increasingly cruel and oppressive. All people are equally beloved by God, no matter where they were born, what language they speak, or the color of their skin. Because of our Christian faith we are taking sustained, strategic action to change immigration policy.
Sanctuary: We are participating in the New Sanctuary Movement to help immigrants in need of sanctuary. Public Policy Advocacy: The laws of this country are not set in stone, they can change with sustained citizen organizing. We focus our work on state and local policies, which have a huge effect on the lives of immigrants. Solidarity: People who are not guilty of any criminal offense are locked away in Suffolk County Jail in an ICE detention center. We hold solidarity prayer vigils regularly outside this jail, so that those who are locked away know that there are people fighting for them and that they are not forgotten.