Climate Crisis

Ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air will tell you; the plants of the earth will teach you; the fish of the sea will declare to you...In God’s hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being.
Job 12:7-10
What's at Stake

The climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Rising seas, drought, superstorms, wildfires and more threaten all of God’s creation. These disasters quickly translate into humanitarian crises as homes are destroyed, refugees seek shelter, and people across the world can no longer meet their basic needs. While this is an issue that touches everyone, the world’s poorest, who have contributed the least to the problem, are being impacted first and worst.

What We're Doing

As Christians, we have a duty to care for God’s creation and take immediate and meaningful action on climate change. We aim to tackle this challenge by participating in the Green Congregation Challenge. Together we are greening our church, advocating for effective policies, living more simply, and learning along the way.

What You Can Do
Come to Church
Listen to empowering sermons, meet like-minded people, and find strength in a community committed to creating change.
Attend a climate-related event
Whether it be a community meeting, protest, or volunteer event, there's a lot going on!
Engage in Collective Action
Become part of a larger movement working to tackle the climate crisis through political advocacy and community organizing. Email to get involved.
Make a Commitment to Living Greener
Small lifestyle changes like switching your light bulbs and eating less meat can go a long way. Check out these ideas for greening your life.
Read these Resources
Education is the first step towards making a difference. Check out these articles to learn more about climate science and environmental stewardship.
Caring for Creation

Climate Crisis Happenings


Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne. So penned James Russell Lowell, Cantabrigian, abolitionist, and poet in his poem The

Latest News

OSC Presents Documentary Film Series: Holding Up the Sky

Old South Church in Boston Presents Documentary Film Series: Holding Up the Sky

BOSTON, MA — Beginning Sunday, January 12, Old South Church in

Further Reading

NBC Boston

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In an effort to re-frame our work the Climate