Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

Festival Worship - Easter Sunday, 9 o'clock


Is he? Are you quite sure of that? It would be a great deal more reassuring if the women who are there that morning – there at the tomb – depart with a bounce in their step, hope in their hearts, and faith on their tongues.

They do not.

As Mark relates the story in this oldest of the four gospels, the women flee the tomb, seized with terror.

It hardly counts as a shout of victory over death.

And I’ve got to ask: Is this any way to stage a resurrection?

Festival Worship - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost


God, Jesus says, is like a certain landowner who goes to the marketplace to hire day laborers. For the sake of clarity, let’s delete the middleman, the Landowner, and go straight to God.

Early in the morning, a little before 6  am, God goes to the marketplace and hires laborers to work in the vineyard.

Together, God and the laborers agree on the wage: a denarius. It is not an overly generous wage, but it is a fair wage—enough to support a family for a day.

Festival Worship - All Saints' Sunday


Last week, I received an email from my mother. The subject of the email is one she has been contemplating in her 85th year of life. The subject line of the email: “My Funeral”. The message reads as follows: “Hi, Nance, Am sending you the service info. Let me know if you have suggestions. I might make some changes as time goes by. But this is good enough if I croak in the next week! Love & Thanks, Mom”

Festival Worship - Meeting House Sunday


Thanksgiving – A season of giving thanks. This year, I am giving thank for many things … but today, here, in this Meeting House … I give God thanks for Old South Church’s first minister: the Astonishing Thomas Thacher.

Proficient in the ancient tongues (Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic and Syriac), a skilled logician and debater, a most excellent physician, an admirable clock-maker, a father of five, and an eminent preacher: I give God thanks for the Astonishing Thomas Thacher.

Festival Worship - Fifth Sunday in Lent


Imagine in your mind’s eye that you are looking at a painting of the Last Supper. Gathered for the Passover meal, Jesus and his disciples are seated at the table. Jesus is in the middle. In his left hand, Jesus holds a loaf of bread. With his right hand, he is blessing the bread. To Jesus’ right is John, the beloved disciple. And to his left, sits Peter, the rock or foundation upon whom Jesus will build his church.