Old South Preschool

Currently Accepting Applications for the 2020-2021 School Year


Established in 1942, Old South Preschool is a weekday, non-religious early education program that serves approximately 40 children, ages 2-5. Click the button below to view their website.

Old South Preschool's website


Families and program staff create a vibrant, interconnected community that holds the development of a child’s wholeness as its focus. Conveniently located at Boston's Copley Square crossroads, it is easily accessible to families who live as near as the surrounding neighborhoods and as far as the suburbs of Greater Boston. Eight committed and professionally educated teachers under the direction of Carolyn Davis, Preschool Director, guide the program through a school year calendar.

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  • Scheduling: 3, 4, or 5 days, 9am to 3pm, September to early June. Combination of 9am-1pm and 9am-3pm scheduling option available for children ages 2-3.
  • Groupings: Blue Room (ages 2-3), Green Room (ages 3-4), and Red Room (ages 4-5). The average child/teacher ratio is 6:1 or 7:1 for the 3-4 and 4-5 year old classes; the 2-3 year old class has a 3:1 ratio.
  • Environments: inside, using three classrooms; outside, using the neighboring environs.



The Preschool strives to enhance childhood, envisioning a world that enriches the lives of children. It focuses on critical elements, what happens and how, to support a child becoming an enthused, confident learner with a wholesome sense of self. Old South commits to advancing learning and development with sound, respectful practices that support well-rounded growth in all developmental domains.

  • The school uses active inquiry, theorizing, and reflection to build passion about learning and expand competency.
  • It engages children and encourages them to make their own discoveries and test ideas that lead to meaningful outcomes.
  • Curriculum development and implementation apply emergent curriculum principles, building on children’s interests and teacher injections to generate content and steer the direction of experiences. In a positive atmosphere that supports all members of the group, strategies strengthen dispositions for learning and advancement in social-emotional, physical, and cognitive areas.
  • The community partners to inform and make space for all voices in this pluralistic setting.



Old South honors play! The daily routine encourages free choice-making, child-initiated, child-directed involvement while working individually or in small and large groups, with teachers acting as partners, guides and advisors.

Routine includes: engaging encounters inside or outside; snack, neighborhood excursions or playground activity, group times, lunch, rest, and at the end of the school day, slow-paced activities. With the Preschool’s location in Copley Square, children easily travel about the city, making visits to nearby Boston Public Library;  playgrounds and parks near and far; taking neighborhood trips, participating in programs at local facilities.

The children’s outside engagement lets them claim the city as part of their environment and declare themselves as mindful, caring citizens who can contribute to society within the scope of their development.



All Ages 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
5 days … $18,500
4 days … $14,800
3 days … $11,300

Combination Schedule Option for Ages 2-3
5 day schedule: 3 days 9am-3pm and 2 days 9am-1pm… $16,400
4 day schedule: 2 days 9am-3pm and 2 days 9am-1pm … $12,900
3 day schedule: 2 days 9am-3pm and 1 day 9am-1pm … $10,400

*Rates for 2020-2021 schoool year subject to change



Admission is ongoing, on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrollment is open to families without regard to religious or political beliefs, race, cultural heritage, ability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, gender identification, family structure or national origin.

Applications for the Fall 2020 school year may be submitted beginning in September 2019. We will notify you about a placement offer in mid-March; continue thereafter with waitlists.

Submit online Information Request form; Schedule visit appointment via email preschool@oldsouth.org or phone (617)536-1970

Fill Out The Application Form


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