Children's Choir

Submitted by admin on December 9, 2020 - 3:01am
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Children's Choir
Intro Text
(Kindergarten & up)
Students in elementary and middle schools are invited to join the children's choir, which practices on Sundays from 9am - 9:30 on the 2nd floor during the school year. Director Aislin Kate Anderson leads students through learning new songs that they share in worship every 4-6 weeks in both First Worship and Festival Worship, with help from accompanist Jun Mai. Students are welcome to join throughout the year.

The choir forms the core of our annual Children's Christmas Pageant as well. Old South's students and children have presented a Christmas Pageant annually for decades, and all are invited to team up for this important event. Rehearsals begin in late October and are held primarily during First Worship, from 9am to 10am. The Pageant is held within the First Worship service during Advent (this year on Sunday December 15th), and students both act and sing to help tell the story of Jesus' birth. We use different scripts every year, but each is full of laughter, love and meaning. You do not need to be in Children's Choir to participate in the pageant - students only need to commit to rehearsals for the pageant.

Contact Aislin Anderson ( for more information on both Children's Choir and our Christmas Pageant.