Earth Week at Old South Church
Follow along with this Devotional For Earth Week by Richard Rohr and join us on Facebook Live, April 22nd at 12 noon as we join with faith communities around the country for the Nationwide Climate Prayer.
Saturday, April 23rd, 10a-1p - Great Tide Rising: Earth Day Action at Weymouth Compressor Station, 50 Bridge St., Weymouth. Join local activists, elected leaders, musicians and others as we take a stand against environmental racism and this dangerous facility. Van leaves OSC at 9:15a. To reserve a seat contact
Sunday, April 24th - Care of Creation Sunday: Featuring Rev. Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space for the City of Boston and Pastor of New Roots AME, preaching at First Worship (9a) and Festival Worship (11a).
Sunday, April 24th - Community Hour Forum with Rev. Mariama White-Hammond
Come learn more about how Rev. White-Hammond is leading the Mayor’s Cabinet in achieving its mission of enhancing environmental justice and quality of life in Boston by protecting air, water, climate, and land resources.