Christmas Message from Senior Minister Nancy Taylor

Dear Old South Church:

On the eve of the eve of the eve of Christmas, here is my blessing and wish for you: May you be thuriferous.

Thuriferous. (thur-IF-er-us) adj. carrying or producing frankincense.

According to the gospel of Matthew gold, frankincense, and myrrh were among the gifts brought to Jesus by the Magi from the East. One of the magi, therefore, was thuriferous. He carried to the Christ child a marvelous resin, at once aromatic and healing.

May you be thuriferous this Christmas season. May you be to the world, to your family and your friends, to your colleagues and your co-workers, to those you meet on the street and in the store, on the T and in the train station, aromatic and healing. May you emit goodness and gladness. May you yield healing and gentleness, beauty and the fragrance of peace. May you carry in your heart and on your tongue the soft story of Christmas wherever you go. May you be thuriferous.

To aid you in this sweet and difficult work, I have included two resources below.

Merry Christmas Old South Church,

The Christmas Story
, as told by the children of St. Paul's Church, Auckland, NZ

Amazing Peace: a Christmas poem, by Maya Angelou