By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | January 2025 Council Meeting Report
The Reverend John Edgerton opened our January Council meeting by reading the poem “Prayer” in the Poet’s Quest for God. Treasurer Bill Bulkeley discussed the state of the church’s budget for the close of 2024. While we appear to be ending the year with a significant budget deficit, this is partially because an endowment payment from Mount Vernon has been delayed. Additional pledge payments arrived while Old South was closed for the holiday, and that money has not yet been accounted for. Bill anticipates that the deficit will be significantly reduced once the endowment payments come in and the additional pledge payments are counted. Budgeting for the coming year will be challenging, but Bill noted that we have ample rainy-day funds to cover potential deficits.
After Bill’s report, the Board of Trustees presented their final proposed policies for accepting restricted funds and addressing conflicts of interest. Council unanimously voted to approve motions to accept both proposals.
Pam Roberts provided a brief update on the work of the Associate Minister Search Committee. Members of the search committee had a productive conversation with the (G)RACE Speaks Committee about building a more racially diverse and inclusive environment. The two committees discussed what an inclusive environment will look like, acknowledging that creating that environment will be an ongoing process. Once they discern that there has been progress in this area, they will continue with the process of hiring a new associate minister. The Christians in Formation Committee plans to help build an inclusive community by having an upcoming session on incorporating anti-racist language into our conversations.
Rachel and John shared updates on the by-law revisions and the strategic planning process. Members of the By-Laws Task Force are considering several issues as they rethink our by-laws and church structure. They have noted that many members don’t understand our church structure, so one of their goals is to increase organizational legibility. Another question they are considering is how to help members find a sense of belonging without participating in Boards and Committees. Rachel also noted that Old South makes decisions by consensus, and the Task Force is considering other decision-making models. The Task Force is preparing recommended revisions to the By-Laws and will present these at our Annual Meeting in March. John reported that there will be two additional sessions for the congregation to engage with the strategic planning process. These will be held on Sunday, January 26th at 10am and Thursday, February 5th, after Thursday Night Church.
John expressed appreciation for Mitchell Crawford and choir members as we close a busy season for our musicians. He praised the music for the three Christmas Eve Services and the performance of “Amahl and the Night Visitors” on January 12th. Ashley closed our meeting by reading Ada Limon’s poem “Dead Stars.”