As Old South prepares to celebrate Shawn Fiedler's prodigious ministry among us, we've also begun the journey to name his successor.
In July the Church Council appointed a small working group, selected by the Leadership Committee, to join Interim Senior Minister Rick Spalding in finding a candidate to bring our staff back up to full strength after Shawn steps away. Thanks to Randy Billings, Sarah Cowles and Eliette Hilaire for answering this call! Working closely with Associate Conference Minister Alex Shea Will, they'll begin by drafting a fresh position description for an Associate Minister - probably to serve for a specific, limited term that would extend into the tenure of a new settled Senior Minister to give some continuity. Then they'll seek and interview candidates - hoping to find a finalist who could be appointed by Council by mid- to late fall.
Meanwhile, all members of the current staff will be working shoulder-to-shoulder to keep all the many dimensions of Old South's life and work at full strength. Watch this space for news as the process continues - and thanks for your prayers along the way!