Workshop: Afro-Christian History and Legacy, the UCC's Fifth Stream

Friday Mar 7, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Congregational Library & Archives (14 Beacon St)

Old South members are warmly invited by our friends at the Congregational Library & Archives to join an in-person workshop led by Dr. Julia M. Speller on the Afro-Christian Convention. This in-person workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the history and legacy of the Afro-Christian Convention as the fifth stream of the United Church of Christ (UCC). It is designed for church and community leaders as well as anyone interested in the history of this important, and until recently overlooked, Christian tradition within the UCC.

Dr. Julia Speller is Professor Emerita in American Religious History and Culture at Chicago Theological Seminary. Throughout the workshop, she will highlight key spiritual values that sustained the Afro-Christians throughout their journey, reveal the close connection between these values and the UCC’s founding commitments as a united and uniting church, and examine ways individuals can more deeply embody these values and commitments, as they prepare for the important work of justice at such a time as this.

In addition to the small-group discussion with contributing author and educator Julia Speller, participants will receive a copy of the recent publication Afro-Christian Convention: The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ (Pilgrim Press, 2023) and a brownbag lunch.

The workshop includes lunch and a copy of the recent book, Afro-Christian Convention: The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ (Pilgrim Press, 2023).  Anyone interested can register on the CLA website for the workshop: Afro-Christian Convention Workshop | Congregational Library & Archives Old South Members should register at the Member rate, in recognition of the generous support of the CLA by Old South! Space is limited - please register by Friday, February 28th. Limited funds are available as scholarships for those otherwise unable to attend.

After registering, you will receive an email with information about attending the workshop.

Email any questions to



Dr. Julia Speller is Professor Emerita in American Religious History and Culture at Chicago Theological Seminary where she served for 25 years. Prior to and concurrent with that time, she served as the director of Christian Education for Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago where she has been a member for over five decades. Julia is currently a member of the United Church of Christ Historical Council and has been engaged in the work of several UCC committees over the years. She also serves on the Congregational Library & Archives Board of Directors. She is the author of Walkin’ The Talk: Keepin’ the Faith in Africentric Congregations and holds a BS in Business Administration from Chicago State University, an MA in Religious Education from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, as well as an MA and a PhD in the History of Christianity from the University of Chicago.