Kindness Counts Campaign

In celebration of our 350th anniversary, we have embarked on a year-long "Kindness Counts" campaign. The Faith-in-Action Task Force invites Old Southers to focus intentionally on acts of kindness - and to help you stay accountable - there are ways to track these kind acts. Read on to learn more and get involved!

Kindness Counter

Adults and children alike are encouraged to mark the kindness they see or do through the “Kindness Counter” in the Tower Entry. One rose petal signifies one act of kindness. The object is to fill the Kindness Counter during the year. On Pentecost Sunday 2020, the petals will shower the congregation from the Cupola. 

Practicing Kindness Coloring Books

On Youth Sunday, the children of our congregation each received a specially-created sticker/coloring book containing pictures of various Acts of Kindness to color in. If they perform an Act of Kindness (not just those pictured in the book) they can put a sticker on a grid in the book. The object is to fill the page with stickers!

Kindness Pledge

Old Southers took the following pledge on Youth Sunday, and you can take it too!

I pledge to be mindful of Acts of Kindness that I have seen and done throughout Old South Church’s 350th Jubilee year. I will do my best to publicly track the same by placing rose petals in the Kindness Counter placed in the narthex for this purpose. I will jot a few acts of kindness down in the friendship pad in the church pew; if there is an act to "lift up" I will send a note with a brief description to

I will be mindful that the children of our congregation are also noting Acts of Kindness and I will do my utmost to encourage them in their efforts. My goal is to do at least one Act of Kindness a day, as well as appreciate Acts of Kindness I observe. Finally, I pledge to post this card in a place easily observed as a daily reminder of my commitment.

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