Written by Edith Rasell, Ph.D, Minister for Economic Justice.
Gracious God,
we are blessed to live in a democracy
where each citizen has the opportunity and the responsibility to participate in our decision-making processes.
Our faith belongs in the voting booth
as well as in the sanctuary!
Justice-Seeking God,
we know that our policymakers impact our lives:
they have power to ensure that all your children are equally part of this society;
they can require that taxes are just
and that our nation’s income goes to benefit the many;
they can help to make all jobs
good jobs that pay living wages;
they can send us to war or foster peace.
Our faith belongs in the voting booth as well as in the sanctuary!
Community-Building God
we know that questions of public policy are also matters of faith,
for they help us to give substance to the Beloved Community which you have called us to shape.
You desire each of us
to live a life of wholeness;
to have the opportunities to fulfill our potential
and become the persons you have created us to be;
to live secure in the knowledge
that if we fall on hard times, a strong, public safety net will be there to support us.
Our faith belongs in the voting booth as well as in the sanctuary!
But Holy One,
This election season has gone on too long!
We are turned off by a circus which obscures critical issues, reduces complicated choices to sound bites and
encourages personal attacks.
We want this election season to be over!
Help us to find a way to cut through the confusion and the spin.
Give us patience to consider and make wise choices
that will lead ever closer to your vision of the Beloved Community. Our faith belongs in the voting booth
as well as in the sanctuary!