Destined for What?

March 23, 2015
Rev. John M. Edgerton

The UCC Lent Devotional for March 23, 2015:

But who indeed are you, a human being, to argue with God? Will what is molded say to the one who molds it, "Why have you made me like this?" Romans 9:19-33

Destiny is hugely important in Christianity. The idea that every person is called by God by virtue of their baptism? That is destiny planning out the path of your days. The idea that salvation is a free gift flowing from the grace of God alone? That is destiny placing ultimate responsibility for humanity’s fate squarely in God’s hands. 

But for some in America, the idea of destiny is hard to swallow. Some sacred cows of secular American mythology contradict the idea of destiny: what about bootstraps? What about rags to riches? Aren’t I responsible for whether I succeed or fail?

But the problem is, it’s just not true. Disparities between the haves and the have-nots are bigger than ever—and widening every day. The day has come to reject the secular myth that anyone can get ahead in America. In its place, we must cling to the promises of the Christian faith, to the idea that God is in control.

Because do you know who God chooses to destine for great things? The lowly ones, the meek, the poor, the outcasts. God favors those who cannot get ahead in a world that relies upon the lie that the oppressed richly deserve their condition. The idea that humanity controls our own destiny? That is comforting only to those who are already comfortable. The promise that God is in control? Now there is good news for all who are heavy burdened.

Prayer: Refine and reform our beliefs, O God of the lowly. Pour away the dross, leave us with Your pure gold.