A Message from the Senior Minister on the sale of the Bay Psalm Book

Dear Old South Church:

The members of Old South Church in Boston voted last December to convert an ancient hymnbook into ministries of mercy, justice, and beauty to make glad the heart of God. Steward of storied events, great personages and prophetic vision, Old South Church is pleased to have had the opportunity over this past year to reacquaint Americans with the Bay Psalm Book and its remarkable story. So much more than a book, in this modest treasure lies the tale of an early and defiant declaration of independence from England, religious imagination, entrepreneurial fortitude, and scholarly achievement.

We are pleased to report that our 1640 Bay Psalm Book sold last evening at Sotheby's for $14.2 million. The proceeds will be used to extend and expand our many bold and tender ministries.

Our primary copy, or so-called alpha copy, of the Bay Psalm Book remains in our extraordinary collection, comprised of some 2,000 rare books and manuscripts. You can access the digitized version through our website.

Thanksgiving blessings to one and all.