Letter from the Senior Minister

April 16, 2013
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

Dear Old South Church,

I am sorry we have not been in touch. First and foremost: are you okay? Please, please let us hear from you. We have members who were injured in the blast as well as some traumatized by what they saw and heard.

We remember in prayer the three whose lives were so suddenly and cruelly taken, those who are injured and healing, injured and fighting for their lives, those who grieve and, with great thanksgiving, countless responders.

Old South Church is fine but we are ground zero and remain a crime scene. I have spent the last day and a half in meetings, on conference calls, and counseling the traumatized.

There is a service planned for this evening for young Martin Richard at St. Anne's in Dorchester, and a prayer vigil at Arlington Street Church this evening at 8 pm. We are planning a city wide prayer service with the Governor and Mayor for Thursday at 11 am at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the South End.

I do not know if the church will be open tomorrow.

We have posted messages on our Facebook and web pages:

Old South Church in Boston
flies our three Marathon Banners today
in memory of those whose lives were taken,
with prayers for those who are harmed and grieving,
in thanksgiving for all First Responders.

Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Senior Minister & CEO