Brent Damrow Voted in as Executive Assistant Minister

On Sunday, October 16, the Old South Church congregation unanimously voted in Brent Damrow as Executive Assistant Minister, a position he previously served in an acting capacity.

Brent is ridiculously happily married to Jon Geldert and they make their home in Jamaica Plain. Before answering the call to ministry, Brent enjoyed a long and wonderful career in Higher Education most recently serving as Associate Dean at Babson College. There, Brent led the college’s efforts around student support including academic advising, personal support/counseling, orientation, disability services and other similar programs. At Old South, Brent works to support efforts around the Vision, is the staff liaison to the Care and Support Committee and the Faith at the Crossroads Task Force, has worked to help foster ecumenical relationships between the church and the larger community around such events as the Governor’s Inaugural Service, the Prayer Vigil for Japan and the 9/11 Remembrance, helps to facilitate our regional efforts and supports the larger team on various projects and as needed.

Brent received his M. Div. from Yale Divinity School and cherished the time that he had there. The three years devoted to the study of God and religion in a beautiful setting with a diverse group of people and a gifted faculty were simply amazing. Brent and Jon enjoy cooking together, taking walks, spending time with family and friends and (since last Lent – thank you Mudhouse Sabbath) observing Sabbath on Sunday afternoons together. While Brent has been a member of Old South for more than ten years, there are so many great folks around here that he has yet to meet and get to know. If you are one of them, he would love a phone call, visit or e-mail.