Old South Church joins massive interfaith gathering, call to protect dignity for all

On the evening of December 11, 2016, Old South Church, as part of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, took part in an action called "Out of Many, One" at The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. 2,600 people showed up to stand in solidarity with already vulnerable populations left frightened in a post-election America. Speakers included Senior Minister Rev. Nancy Taylor, Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Boston's Mayor Marty Walsh.

Interfaith Gathering At Boston's Largest Mosque Seeks To 'Build Bridges' After Election via WBUR

Hundreds gather in Boston for interfaith discussion via Fox 25

Elizabeth Warren, Marty Walsh speak at mosque’s interfaith event via The Boston Globe

Mayor Walsh, Senator Warren Spread Message of Unity at Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center via NECN

Boston Interfaith Gathering Looks To Heal Post-Election Rifts via CBS Boston

Boston’s religious communities seek a path to post-election unity via The Christian Science Monitor