Our beloved Senior Church Administrator, Helen McCrady, is retiring this May after more than 23 years at Old South. Help us celebrate this incredible person!
Sunday, May 21st
We hope that you'll join us at church (in person if you can) for the tributes and accolades, the prayers and blessings, the laughter and tears and gratitude with which we'll send Helen off into retirement, and mark an important milestone in the story of Old South. There will be commissionings at both First and Festival Worship, and a festive celebration at the Fellowship Hour following the Festival service (beginning at about Noon). A group led by Candace Kosturko has been hatching plans that will include music, photographs, tributes, and blessings. Don't miss it!
In keeping with Old South tradition, as our gift to honor Helen's service we're gathering a purse to enable her and John to celebrate retirement in style - and at their discretion! (In this case, keeping this tradition is a tad more complicated than usual because for two decades it's been Helen herself who has marshaled such collections!) If you prefer electronic donation, go to https://oldsouth.org/donate and add your contribution to the collection for Helen. Or you can simply write a good old-fashioned check with "Helen's retirement" on the memo line (made out to Old South) and mail it to the church (attention: Alex Pickering) or drop it in the offering plate on Sunday. Alex, our Administrative Assistant, will be screening the mail so that checks for the purse are carefully put aside before Helen digs into the mail. Gifts can be made any time between now and May 21st - and will be accounted so as to ensure tax deductibility for contributors.
Click here to leave a memory or tribute before May 21st
Candace Kosturko and the celebration planners - Christine del Favero, Karen Hand, Kathy Wade, Ralph Watson and Stephanie LaShoto-Westfield - have created a special vessel for tributes, remembrances, well-wishes on a very user-friendly website called KUDOBOARD. You can add photos (and video!), tributes and memories at will, any time between now and Helen Celebration Day. Though Helen is aware of this in-gathering of well-wishes and kudos, she won't be monitoring this site - so whatever you post won't be unveiled for her until May 21st. The plan is to make all the kudos into a book and a slide show, so the more the better!