Brent Damrow

Festival Worship - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


I love how this room comes alive on Sunday morning, how hundreds of people come through those doors. How they bring life to this great room; a room where we encounter the living God, join together as one body and where we find and share peace with one another. But truth be told, fewer people will come through those doors today than have come through those doors on any other day of this past week.

Festival Worship - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


Owe no one anything, except to love one another. Betty, you owe no one anything … except to love them. Dan you owe no one anything … except to love them.

Friends this is the good news this morning. It is so good, I don’t want you just to hear it from Deb or from me—I want you to hear it from each other. So turn to someone sitting near you … go ahead turn! And if there is no one near you or you can’t catch someone’s eye, look up here and we will tell each other.

Repeat after me—“You owe no one anything … except to love them.” Amen.