Festival Worship - First Sunday after Epiphany

Festival Worship - First Sunday after Epiphany

How We Came to Old South

South End residents, Richard Spada and Bob Childers became members of Old South Church nearly 9 years ago when they moved to Boston from the San Francisco Bay Area. Richard is Sr. Global Manager for Diversity and Inclusion at Novartis, which means he travels, a lot, and makes many presentations to people all around the world. Bob is a clinical social worker with MGH and works at their Back Bay Clinic right here on Commonwealth Street as well as at Elliott Community Health Center in Lynne. What this means is that when Richard is traveling, Bob is managing their home and caring for their beloved Beagle, Cash. Given the nature of Richard’s work, he tends to be the more extroverted one of this couple and really enjoys speaking before groups, so, naturally, he did the talking, conveying to you their story, for which they both worked on to share with you.