Summer became the Director of Old South Preschool in 2021, after transitioning from her long-time role as a Green Room teacher, which she began in 2002. In many ways the school feels like home to her, and she strives to make sure it feels that way for her students as well. Prior to Old South, she taught at a preschool in Newton as well as at a school for children with autism in Southborough. It was summertime when she interviewed for a job at Old South, so the classrooms were empty when she visited, but something about the building and the space just felt right. Summer loves Old South’s location in Copley Square, where it seems the possibilities for exploration and adventure are limitless.
Summer has always enjoyed using children’s literature as a jumping off point for curriculum. When a particular story strikes a chord with the children, she finds it so exciting to search for other books by that same author together. The anticipation on their faces when they continually request a beloved book never gets old to her. For Summer, if she can have some small part in instilling a lifelong love for reading in her students, then she feels like she is doing her job. Her favorite part of the last few school years was the “Green Room Book Club.” Everyone had a copy of the same story and would “meet” in various locations around the building, and even outside, to read and discuss it. After several school readings, each of the children would take their book home to read with their families. A strong home-school connection has always been something that is important to Summer.
Summer has a passion for photography, which inevitably finds its way into the classrooms and the school. Capturing moments of discovery, incredulity, concentration, excitement, or joy is always special, and she thinks it is important for the kids to see themselves in action, represented on the walls of the school, as well as for families to be able to see glimpses of what is happening each day.
Summer never ceases to be amazed at the amount of growth and development she witnesses during a school year. She finds it inspiring, energizing, and fulfilling to be able to actively participate in this on a daily basis.