Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

Festival Worship - Reformation Sunday


The auditorium is filled to capacity. The school orchestra is engaged in a lively and loud rendition of Pomp and Circumstance. The academic procession begins. It wends its way in, down the aisle, onto the stage. Faculty and Deans, Trustees and Visiting professors, Presidents from other universities, distinguished guests … all in academic regalia … robes and hoods and caps, velvet and silk in an array of colors.

Brent Damrow Ordination Service


The Christian congregation in Corinth is an experiment … a laboratory. The question under investigation is this: what happens when you put unlike elements, indeed, natural enemies—say, lions and tigers and bears—into one room and close the door?

In this test, in this experiment of the Christian congregation in Corinth, Jesus has attracted together into one room natural enemies: Jews and Gentiles, slaves and slave owners, women and men. Volatile, combustible combinations.

Festival Worship - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany


At seminary, students of divinity are introduced to the mysteries. Ranked high among the mysteries to which aspiring ministers are introduced, are the miracles of Jesus.

Theological students study the miracles of Jesus the same way medical students study the miracles of the human body: they dissect them, sort them and categorize them. They endeavor to understand how and why each of the miracles functions within the entire system of the Jesus narrative.

The miracles of Jesus are typically sorted into three distinct groups.