Rev. John M. Edgerton

Festival Worship - Third Sunday in Lent

The attempts on Jesus’ life started early. He had barely even begun his ministry when a crowd of people tried to throw him off a cliff. And it seems to come out of nowhere. One minute, everyone loves Jesus and praises how gracious he is. Then he makes passing reference to a story about a widow and the next thing you know they are hauling Jesus out of town in order to throw him off a cliff. Why does everyone get so angry?

Festival Worship - Palm Sunday

At dinner that night, in Bethany near the Mount of Olives, Lazarus stole the show. Any other dinner, Jesus would be all that anyone could talk about. But at this table, on this night, Lazarus sat among them, the man who had been dead and whom Jesus brought back to life again. Lazarus was not someone revived from death swiftly, moments after heart and breath had stopped. Lazarus had been sick and he died, He had been wrapped in grave clothes, he had the funeral psalms sung over him, he had been sealed in a tomb, the mourners had gone home.

Festival Worship - Second Sunday of Advent

Elizabeth and Zechariah were both priests through and through.  Zechariah had devoted his life to serving as a priest, as part of the order of Abijah.  He had even served in the Temple of Jerusalem itself—no small honor.  Elizabeth too was of the priestly caste, from a family with impeccable pedigree.  She was a descendent of Aaron, Moses’ right hand man.  Aaron who was the creator, founder, and progenitor of the priesthood in Israel.