Rev. Anthony T. Livolsi

Festival Worship - Youth and Confirmation Sunday

They were all there: Peter, James, John, Joanna, Martha, the Marys, Matthew, Andrew, Simon, and so on – they were all there, sitting in their favorite pews, sitting where they always sit, sitting where the sound is best or where they could make the cleanest break when service is over. They were all there. And they were afraid, the scriptures say. The news of the day being what it was, things in the world being what they were, Peter, James, John, Joanna, Martha, the Marys, Matthew, Andrew, Simon, and so on – they were afraid.

Festival Worship - Trinity Sunday

   The way John tells this story leaves me wondering – wondering two things. First: Unlike, say, the gospels of Matthew or of Luke, the gospel of John does not give us angels or magi or shepherds; there is no decree from Caesar Augustus, no baby in the manger, no hallelujah-ing in the heavens, no fleeing far, far from Herod.