i get the fierce urgency of now
so I’m asking with fierce urgency about how
racial tensions and courtroom dissensions
and scraps of evidence (and where’s the heartfelt penitence?)
and the slimmest of suspicions becomes percussive permission
(add a vigilante’s derision)
turning a chambered bullet
into a bully pulpit
where the sword is mightier than the pen
when it renders gun-less, defenseless youth dead
he didn’t even get to taste the rainbow skittles
before the jury pronounced acquittal
tart lime, orange, green, purple and red
pooled blood, just seventeen, oh GOD, trayvon’s dead
“but the concrete sidewalk is a deadly weapon!”
i swear the defense said this deadpan
and my heart is in explosion
i get the fierce urgency of now
so I’m asking with fierce urgency about how (and when and why)
stand your ground became the law of the land
and zimmerman an uberman?
did you read the ten commandments?
did I miss some amendments?
because the one pronounced not guilty
broke at least three
and the altar boy is free