Godspell and Jazz

May 19, 2016
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

It was 45 years ago this week that the intoxicating folk-rock musical Godspell opened in New York City. So much more than a production, Godspell was an experience and a revelation. Godspell swept into the dust of the past the staid, institutional church with its severe creeds and yawn-inducing hymns. It invited the followers of Jesus to dance together into a youthful, brightly clad, sundrenched, ethnically assorted future.

This Thursday at 6:00 pm Jazz Worship we will mark the 45th anniversary of Godspell with music, stories, and parables that recall us to the simplicity of discipleship.

If you haven't been to Jazz Worship in a while, now might be the time to return? If you have never been, do you not owe it to yourself to experience Jazz Worship? Do you not owe it to Old South Church to experience our most innovative, experiential service?

Jazz Worship at Old South Church is known far and wide. It is studied by theological students and attended by church youth groups, confirmation classes, churches interested in starting a new service, and tourists, along with its own Old South congregation. Jazz Worship attracts Old South's most diverse congregation. And, if all of that is not enough, our own Gospel Choir is singing this Thursday.

Oh, and Ron Buford will join us as well! Ron, the originator of the UCC's brilliant God is Still Speaking Campaign.

The Ministers and Deacons of Old South Church launched Jazz Worship 11 years ago to attract folks who might not consider attending traditional, Sunday worship. We launched it to give voice to a cool and youthful Jesus, and in a style of informality and improvisation. We launched is as a means of expanding our menu of ways to worship God. As St. Paul wrote: I become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. (I Corinthians 19:22-23)

What to expect. The Chapel is candlelit. The service is in the round. The strains of alto sax and undulating keyboard combine to usher you into sacred space and sacred time. Come as you are. Expect to be changed.

Godspell. Willie Sordillo's alto sax. Ron Buford. Our Gospel Choir. Just saying!