Israel / Palestine: A Perspective

October 30, 2015
Rev. Donald A. Wells

In most of the news stories, at least the ones carried in the more popular media, there has been only passing reference, if any at all, to what many consider the major cause of the continuing violence in Israel / Palestine: the ongoing Israeli occupation of the West Bank.

Settlements continue to be built on this occupied land in violation of all international law. Close to 400,000 Israeli citizens live in these settlements, many of which, in order to be built, have destroyed or dislocated olive groves, farm lands, road access to homes, and even entire villages, causing immense hardship to those who have lived on and tilled that land for generations.

Much of the tragic violence of these past weeks has been fueled by decades of humiliation of Palestinians, and, currently by a very conservative Israeli government who seems to have no intention of working toward a two-state solution, much less a one-state solution where all would be citizens having equal rights as in a real democracy.

I abhor the tragic violence of these past weeks, including the random attacks on Israeli citizens, mostly by Palestinian young people, some as young a thirteen, but not affiliated with any violent group. But, alas, people constantly humiliated by an expanding settlement movement; the fear of possible new restrictions limiting access to Muslim holy sites; select home demolitions of suspected activists in East Jerusalem; and intolerable restrictions for Palestinians traveling daily to Jerusalem and elsewhere for school, work, and medical appointments – finally reach a boiling point. And there is no political will in our nation to press Israel to meaningfully address these issues.

As Christians, we are called to stand with all those who are being marginalized and persecuted. It is what Jesus did. As disciples, we are to follow. Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim, have been marginalized and persecuted for decades. They need to know that Christians, along with others in America and elsewhere, stand with them. The occupation must end.

I pray for the safety of all in the region, Israelis and Palestinians, but especially for the Palestinians who see very little hope of anything changing for the good either for themselves or for their children.