
The Old South Church at 14 Beacon Street

The staff at the Congregational Library have long been stewards of the documents that tell the 355-year story of the Old South Church in Boston. Among Old South’s early treasures, you will find a record of Benjamin Franklin’s baptism at the Old South Church and a copy of Mary Norton’s deed that gifted our first members with the land that housed our first house of worship.


Samuel Adams & The Brattle Street Church Mystery

On July 14th of that year, 66-year old Samuel Adams Jr became a member of the Old South Church. The membership record indicates that he had transferred his membership from the Brattle Street Church. This was a surprise to me. I had always assumed that Samuel Adams was a life-long member of Old South because of his family’s long involvement with the church.


The Barn Problem

We are bombarded by ads everywhere we look encouraging us to go out and buy the “next big thing” that will surely bring us the happiness we long for. We are told the newest cell phone, a flashier car, bigger house, or other status item will make our lives meaningful.

George Gordon & The Eternal Pledge

From the very beginning of his 43-year ministry at Old South, George Gordon’s theological views set him apart from many of his predecessors and local colleagues. Before being formally installed as Old South’s pastor, he famously endured three hours of questions from other ministers about some of his unorthodox beliefs (The Old South Church & Society 1884).