Message from the Senior Minister

December 11, 2015
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

Dear Old South Church in Boston,

These are trying times. Our public conversation is dominated by harmful extremist rhetoric, while our public spaces are too easily invaded by violent religious extremism. Greenland is melting and there are currently some 43 million uprooted victims of conflict and persecution worldwide. Gun violence plagues our cities while an opioid epidemic indiscriminately plagues city, suburb, and town. The rifts between black and white, rich and poor seem to grow ever wider, and with more and more ominous consequences. The leaders of nations, like the leaders of Congress, seem to exist in parallel universes, incapable of meaningful communication or useful strategic planning.

You have to wonder: How is it with God's soul these days? How is God bearing up under our grievous human failures? I imagine there are tears aplenty in heaven, that the angels are learning to sing the blues and that God paces heaven's walkways with anxious worry.

There is so much that is spinning out of control about which we can do absolutely nothing, except pray. And yet, we are not without power. We are not without agency. We are not forsaken. Therefore, let us not forsake God.

Here, in our small corner of the globe, we can face and battle the world's demons by giving witness to another way, Christ's way.

In the name of Christ, the barrier be-strider: if you care about interfaith relations and shudder at hateful extremist rhetoric and violent religious extremism, join us at Festival Worship on Sunday, Decemeber 13, 2015 as I share the pulpit with my colleague, Imam Taymullah. Please take a moment to read his LETTER TO PROPHET MOHAMMAD. Following Festival Worship, I will host an informal Q & A with Imam Taymullah.

In the name of Christ, who preached of sparrows and stilled storms: if you care that Greenland is melting, join us on Sunday at 12:30 pm as the CARE FOR CREATION READING GROUP gathers to hold God's creation on their hearts.

In the name of Christ who, called to himself the little children: our children will present their CHRISTMAS PAGEANT at 9 am First Worship. I guarantee that the children of Old South will soothe your soul and give to our weeping God a reason to smile.

If you can't bear any of the above, there is HEALING WORSHIP with the Rev Kenneth Orth at 10 am and our Theologian in Residence, Don Wells, will introduce you to the CHRISTMAS ANGELS at 10 am Community Hour.

We dare not abandon God in God's hour of need. We dare not abandon God's world. We dare not give into despair. Too much is at stake and we are not without agency. We are not.