A Prayer One Year Later

April 15, 2014
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

God of hard pavement and uphill battles,
God of where we start and how we finish,
God of city and suburb, of village and town,
God of the fleet of foot and we who stumble,
be with us today, this anniversary day.

Be with the families who mourn,
for whom the absence of a loved one is a hole,
jagged and menacing and too large and deep to fill.
Remind them that death is dead,
and envelop them in Your transcendent love.

Be with the survivors,
those still struggling to stand,
whose days are filled with rehab and pain,
for whom walking is a chore
and loud sounds a terrorizing flashback.
Bathe them in gentleness.

Be with the caretakers.
Grant to them tender patience
and a coach’s encouragement
and a parent’s forbearance.

God of marathons and emergency rooms,
of law enforcement and Good Samaritan,
of crime labs and rescue personnel,
of neighbors and neighborhoods,
be with us today, this anniversary day.

Surround and bless us, one and all,
with Your amazing grace. Amen.

One Year Later: Remembrance and Hope