
All-Saints' Sunday: Notes on Gabriel Fauré’s "Requiem"

This year for All Saints Sunday the Festival Choir present Gabriel Fauré’s poignant Requiem in a ‘chamber’ version for organ, harp, violin, and cello. Despite the fact that the majority of his career was spent in the service of the church, Fauré is not known as a composer of sacred music. In fact, the Requiem is his towering contribution to the genre, and had a lasting impact on the settings of later composers.

Martin Luther King: 'A Stone of Hope'

A little more than a month ago, April 4, 2018, to be exact, we remembered the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination. Here at Old South Church we heard excerpts from some of his speeches that played all day in the Sanctuary and were even broadcast out onto our sidewalk. People came in to hear or stood outside to listen again to that familiar voice proclaiming that segregation and racism were antithetical to the Christian Gospel. Younger folks heard his voice perhaps for the first time.