Humbled by the vast mystery of God, we are ever engaged in deep and authentic spiritual inquiry. We believe there is always more of the truth to behold, more beauty to savor, more joy to taste, more kindness to share, more peace to know. Through the arts of study and prayer and service, we aspire to love God “with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.”
For information on learning opportunities such as small groups, church school, and more, visit the Adult Education page or the Children & Families page.
This journey of ours often takes us in new and challenging directions: a different slant on a text, a new life experience, another year added to our lives or, as Robert Frost would have it --- ‘divergent roads’ ---…
All are invited to the church in Copley Square anytime between 11am and 4pm for prayerful activities, cultural practices, traditional refreshments, collaborative art projects, and good company.