
Christmas Message from the Senior Minister

Dear Old South Church,

Throughout December, the Portico of Old South Church has become a sleeping place for unhoused neighbors. Area businesses are working with the City to banish homeless persons from neighboring parks and benches and doorways. Having nowhere else to go, some are gravitating each night under the shelter of our covered Portico. While the Back Bay Association is unhappy with us, Old South members have taken to ministering to them with food, warm clothing, and companionship. Maybe the Christmas story is happening right here?

Gift Wrapped

The UCC Advent Devotional for December 24, 2015:

"His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this." Isaiah 9:2-7

I sleep like a baby on Christmas Eve. When my head hits the pillow I am out like a light, down for the count, taking the express train to snooze-town.

Advent: Repent! Repent?

A good friend and former colleague said time and again that Advent really begins with John the Baptist: a voice crying in the wilderness calling for repentance. It’s certainly a perspective worth considering, but it’s not one that ordinarily comes to mind for many Christians as they enter the Advent season. ‘Repent of what’? becomes the question.

Of Rainbows and Rainbows

A rainbow came out today. It came out in response to the Supreme Court of the United States ruling that the Constitution grants same gender couples access to the institution of marriage. Long and lovely and glistening with justice, this rainbow now spans the United States of America, stretching from sea to shining sea. It is a sight to behold, this rainbow. And, oh, so hard won.

A Prayer on This Historic Day

On the occasion of the United States Supreme Court's ruling, legalizing same-gender marriage nationwide. June 26, 2015.

God, we know that there are rainbow flags unfurled and hung out in heaven today.

We know that there is a great flash mob of saints dancing for joy in the streets on the other side.

We know that you called a stop to the angel choirs’ Holy-Holy-Holy-ing and said, ‘Can’t you do a little Diana Ross?’

God, we know that today, love has won on earth, and that at long last, your will has been done here, as in heaven.

Leaving a Window Open

As we move through this “growing season” of Pentecost, we are reminded that the Spirit has come to dwell in each and every one of us. On Pentecost, the Spirit came (like a tongue of flame) upon each person gathered in Jerusalem, offering itself in various iterations of language, heritage, ethnicity, and variety of experience, age, and gender. What an incredible reminder to us: we are always to “leave a window open to the Spirit”, who appears in unexpected ways, which we do not control.

Needed: A Letter of Reference from the Poor

We are in the season of Eastertide, these fifty days that stretch out from Easter to Pentecost. Here we are to remember that it is the God of resurrection who rolls away the stones blocking the exits from our deadened ways of life. It is the Spirit that beckons us forward into new possibilities and hope. It is the God of new life that breaks the chains that have held us in worn-out places full of fear.